The “Sweet 16 of BSA Safety” has been an integral part of the standard of care which must be exercised during the planning and conduct of Scouting’s outdoor program for decades. However, as of 2021, the “Sweet 16” is phased out in favor of BSA’s new S.A.F.E. activity criteria. Nonetheless, the “Sweet 16’s” precepts can continue to provide guidance for Scout volunteers.
The respective aspects of the “Sweet 16” (generally embodied in the S.A.F.E. criteria) are as follows:
- Qualified Supervision (see this blog posting)
- Physical Fitness
- Buddy System
- Safe Area or Course
- Equipment Selection and Maintenance
- Personal Safety Equipment
- Safety Procedures and Policies
- Skill Level Limits
- Weather Check
- Planning
- Communications
- Plans and Notices
- First Aid Resources
- Applicable Laws
- CPR Resource
- Discipline
BSA’s Scouter Code of Conduct now requires that an adult leader “be familiar with, and follow” BSA’s S.A.F.E. criteria, as opposed to the Sweet 16 of BSA Safety. However, the precepts of the Sweet 16 continue to be relevant to the conduct and planning of an outdoor activity. Keep them in mind!
The Sweet 16 of BSA Safety . . . now retired, but still relevant!